Rob’s Books
Books by Robert W. Lee
The Rev. Dr. Robert W. Lee is the author/editor of six books and the author of multiple forewords for books ranging in genre from mental health to public theology to pop culture. Below you will find the listings of his contributions to the publishing sphere.
Please select a link for more information on each title.
Stained-Glass Millennials (Helwys, 2017)
A Sin by Any Other Name: Reckoning with Racism and the Heritage of the South (Convergent, 2019)
A Pulpit in the Paper: A Theologian’s Coming of Age in Newsprint (Helwys, 2020)
Fostering Hope: A Prayerbook for Foster and Adoptive Families (Helwys 2022)
Night Owl Prayers: A Prayerbook (Helwys, 2024)
Children’s Books
You are Mine and I am Yours: A Wesleyan Prayer for Kids (Barnsley Ink, 2024)
Forewords by Robert W. Lee
Cancer Just Is by Morgan J. Bolt, Foreword by Robert W. Lee
Broken We Kneel by Diana Butler Bass, Foreword by Robert W. Lee
Hiding in the Pews by Steve Austin, Foreword by Robert W. Lee